
The Wiess College Society of Academic Mentors is an honorary service organization devoted to the advancement of academic life at Wiess College. We establish and coordinate tutoring for members of the College in various areas and host events dedicated to the academic enrichment of the college including Dinner & Discussion, professional school information sessions, undergraduate research symposiums, lectures and collaboration with associates, etc.

The Mentors also:

  • Advertise availability and group tutorials via Cabinet, lunch announcements, list-serv announcements, etc.
  • Advise underclassmen on time management and study skills
  • Work closely with Peer Academic Advisors (PAAs) to coordinate academic activities (like Dinner & Discussion, study breaks, etc)
  • Maintain contact and share resources with similar Societies at other colleges
  • Plan undergraduate research symposiums and encourage undergraduate research at Wiess
  • Coordinate intercollegiate academic events (Booksale, Quiz Bowls, Research Mixers, etc.)

Interested in becoming a Wiess Mentor?

Elegible freshmen must have a cumulative GPA above 3.75 and upperclassmen above 3.5. Applications are sent out at the beginning of academic semesters via college list-serv!


Contact the 2012-2013 Head Mentors, Maddy Bullard (mcb8@rice.edu), Kyle Adams (kwa2@rice.edu), or Bahrom Firozgary (bff1@rice.edu).

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